Opportunities often present themselves when we’re unprepared

What happens when an opportunity arises and you know you’re not ready for it? There’s the age old Zig Zigler quote that says “Success is when opportunity meets preparation”, and I generally agree with this. But what happens when you’re not prepared? What happens when an opportunity arises and you know you’re not ready for … Continue reading Opportunities often present themselves when we’re unprepared

There will always be excuses to fall back on (if you allow them to)

Just because you have an excuse doesn't mean that you need to take it There are always a never ending list of excuses that come to mind with why you shouldn’t do something - there’s usually only a few reasons why you should. I recently read the book “The Drawing of Three” by Stephen King, … Continue reading There will always be excuses to fall back on (if you allow them to)

My 4 Day Shamanic Journey – Kambo, Discovering my Spirit Animal, Ayahuasca, Sao Pedro, and Temazcal.

I recently had the opportunity to partake in a 4 day Shamanic retreat, where I tried Kambo, discovered my spirit animal, drank Ayahuasca and Sao Pedro, and then finished it off with a 4 hour Temazcal ceremony. This isn’t my first rodeo with experiences like this either - I’ve done Ayahuasca three times and been … Continue reading My 4 Day Shamanic Journey – Kambo, Discovering my Spirit Animal, Ayahuasca, Sao Pedro, and Temazcal.

Getting lucky takes practice

Getting Lucky Takes Practice

"Gaining enlightenment is an accident. Spiritual practice simply makes us accident-prone.” - Suzuki Roshi There’s a famous story in the world of Zen Buddhism where the Zen master says to the student “Enlightenment is an accident.” To this the student stands up and yells in frustration, “Accident! You’re telling me that it’s all an accident?! If that’s … Continue reading Getting Lucky Takes Practice

How to not give a fuck

Training the “how to not give a fuck” muscle

I’ve recently come to the conclusion that meditation is actually a giant exercise in not giving a fuck. Instead of trying to clear your mind, meditation is actually all about how to give less fucks about the thoughts going through your head.  To watch a thought rise up, and have the ability to say “nah … Continue reading Training the “how to not give a fuck” muscle

Bring it back to awareness present moment muscle meditation

Bring it back – Building the Present Moment Muscle

Today I want to clarify an important point about meditation. For some reason there is an idea that meditation means to “stop thinking” or to “clear the mind”. I've met many people who try meditation for the first time and have this perception of thoughtlessness…and then when they try and notice their mind racing they … Continue reading Bring it back – Building the Present Moment Muscle

Troy Erstling Law of Attraction

Demystifying the Law of Attraction

The “Law of Attraction” is a concept I have a hard time believing in. It’s one of those mystical, psuedo-scientific, woo-woo hippie concepts I just can’t seem to give credit to. Books like “The Secret” and “The Law of Attraction” and names like Abraham Hicks pop up all over the internet and have a cult-like … Continue reading Demystifying the Law of Attraction