Intermittent Information Fasting

Intermittent Information Fasting

These days everyone and their mother is practicing “intermittent fasting” or more appropriately labeled "time restricted eating.” It’s the latest health craze with all of the worlds top health/self improvement/productivity personalities touting the benefits of fat loss, lean muscle growth, and anti-aging effects. I won’t lie/knock on it though, the science is pretty compelling. I … Continue reading Intermittent Information Fasting

How I recover after a hard day of work to build consistency and momentum

Have you ever had the experience where you have an incredibly productive day of work, and then productivity falls down the drain the day after? Or the opposite, where after a stressful day of work it shatters the next day of productivity as well? Or maybe instead of the day by day, you’ll have one … Continue reading How I recover after a hard day of work to build consistency and momentum

What I do when I feel like I'm spinning my tires in the mud

What I do when I feel like I’m spinning my tires in the mud

All of us have had the experience where we want to accomplish something but regardless of what we try, we don’t make the progress that we’re looking for. Call it the proverbial, “spinning my tires in the mud”, or “beating my head against the wall”. There’s a problem or challenge we want to overcome, and … Continue reading What I do when I feel like I’m spinning my tires in the mud