The Brain Dump – How to clear your mind and relax

I speak to a lot of people who are stressed out, anxious, and frustrated about some area of their life - with no way to release it.  They carry this stress around with themselves day in, day out, occasionally letting go by venting or waiting until it’s unbearable and they explode.  For example the other … Continue reading The Brain Dump – How to clear your mind and relax

Gasoline vs. Logs – How to build and maintain high energy levels

I have VERY high energy levels. I’ve always been a jittery, talkative, bouncy and positive person bursting with energy and enthusiasm. Much of this is natural - I’ve always been this way and it’s the disposition I was born with. As a child I was diagnosed with ADHD - key letter in here being the … Continue reading Gasoline vs. Logs – How to build and maintain high energy levels

Why you should release your ideas before you feel ready to

Why you should release your ideas before you feel ready to

In life I believe that there are two types of people when it comes to creative and entrepreneurial pursuits; Doers and Planners. The doers are people who jump into projects without thinking. They do first and then learn from their mistakes.  The planners on the other hand are obsessed with finding potential mistakes before they … Continue reading Why you should release your ideas before you feel ready to